life-changing medicines for cancer patients
At Kumquat, we’re on a mission to transform cancer treatment by delivering durable therapeutic benefits and a renewed sense of hope to patients.
With proven leadership and a dedicated cross-disciplinary team, we are setting a new standard for treating cancer patients.

A Constant Flow of New Innovations
in Cancer Treatment
We apply our KRAS pathway expertise to develop single and combination therapies that specifically address undruggable targets, while energizing the immune system to bring about synergistic and lasting therapeutic potential.

Small Molecule Drugs
Innovative drug discovery yields treatments with simple delivery and limited side-effect risk.
Targeted & Immuno-oncology Therapies
Treatments that leverage the body’s innate systems to manage relapse and drug resistance.

By fostering a supportive culture that embraces bold challenges and asks big questions, we bring cutting-edge oncology medicines from bench to bedside.
Join the Team
Come innovate life-changing medicines with us in a truly collaborative environment where ideas are welcome.